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This month in our Resource section, we are proudly showcasing Breaking Negative Patterns.
This insightful book was published by Gold Lantern Media and has been designed for anyone who has identified a bad habit or negative pattern in their life or in their family at some point.
Use this tool to classify symptoms of negative patterns such as resentment, injustice, depression and fatigue. Address your individual patterns and pass on your new-found knowledge to those you care about.
 Included is the popular Negative Pattern Identification Form.
Discover your best life possible and then inspire those around you to do the same!
See below for more information.
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What Is A Spiritual Stronghold?

Why Should I break Strongholds?
Stronghold Topics
Where To Start
Breaking Negative Patterns


Have you ever asked questions like these?

  • How can I really hear God's voice clearly?

  • Why is it that I continue to fall into the same bad habits?

  • Can I really overcome behaviors that hurt myself and my family?


Anyone can learn to see in the spirit...Anyone . Having your spiritual eyes opened, and seeing in the spirit realm, is one of the most awesome and profound things you can ever experience as a human being. Breaking negative patterns is not a gift. It is an ability that you can begin to develop. Change your life! Begin to identify areas that have held you back. Clearly understand that stronghold breaking is something every believer can do. Understand the many ways that God speaks and how to act upon what God shows you like never before. Get ready to develop the ability to recognize strongholds in your life. Learn how to release old patterns using a very simple method. Understand why prayers in the past may not have been answered. Identify generational patterns. Learn how to exercise your spiritual senses in the severing of soul ties, inner healing and deliverance.


Do you or someone you know need additional support?

Have you ever asked questions like these?

  • How can I really hear God's voice clearly?

  • Why is it that I continue to fall into the same bad habits?

  • Can I really overcome behaviors that hurt myself and my family?


Anyone can learn to see in the spirit...Anyone . Having your spiritual eyes opened, and seeing in the spirit realm, is one of the most awesome and profound things you can ever experience as a human being. Breaking negative patterns is not a gift. It is an ability that you can begin to develop. Change your life! Begin to identify areas that have held you back. Clearly understand that stronghold breaking is something every believer can do. Understand the many ways that God speaks and how to act upon what God shows you like never before. Get ready to develop the ability to recognize strongholds in your life. Learn how to release old patterns using a very simple method. Understand why prayers in the past may not have been answered. Identify generational patterns. Learn how to exercise your spiritual senses in the severing of soul ties, inner healing and deliverance.


Do you or someone you know need additional support?

Our Focus

Gold Lantern Media functions as a platform for releasing inspirational and instructional tools, materials, and resources. Our framework is oriented around the design and development of the Breaking Negative Pattern series and creative games like Who Does That, which promote healthy habits and living practices, self reflection, and enhanced relationships. 

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Nine Mile Fall, WA 99026

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